The Ashtabula lighthouse still brings the weary home
Most lighthouses are located along salty shores, but let's not forget the beacons on the great lakes. A beautiful example is the Ashtabula lighthouse on Erie Lake. And after almost 150 years it's still bringing the weary home.
There was a time when civilization did not possess sophisticated nautical equipment to tell location or to guide those at sea home. A lighthouse was one of the things that summoned fishermen around the globe home and safely returned them to their families. Many lighthouses have survived the harshness of time, but often not in the best shape. They are cool places to see and visit, and clues to our history. Sadly, many of them are being demolished or neglected. We are on a mission to help save these amazing structures and to get the word out about how amazing they truly are.
Floating beauty
The Ashtabula Lighthouse is located in Ashtabula, Ohio. Originally constructed in 1836, but there have been many additions to it over the decades. Getting upgrades and additional structures surrounding it made it an amazing lighthouse that appears to be floating on the water. Located on Lake Erie, it has some of the most sophisticated technology of both yesteryear and today. A siren that is heard from miles around and a light that can reach tens of miles away. On a clear night it provides an amazing site for thousands of Ohio's inhabitants.
The Ashtabula lighthouse is still operational on the shore of Lake Erie. (photo: Ashtabula Lighthouse Restoration and Preservation Society)
Functional and needed lighthouse
The Ashtabula Lighthouse Restoration and Preservation Society is working behind the scenes to keep this lighthouse operational and structurally sound. A fantastic group of volunteers who appreciate this functional piece of heritage so much, they even publish a newsletter dedicated to it and her history. She operated on site until 1973, now it is manned electrically by the coast guard. Not only is it a wonderful architectural and historical site, it is also a highly functional and needed lighthouse for the safety of those who need to find their compass.
Help preserving this lighthouse
If you would like help to preserve the lighthouse, donations are being taken by the restoration society. Visit their website at to see how you can help. There are many ways that you can help to save the lighthouse, from fundraisers to donations. Volunteers are always welcome to lend a hand and keep this amazing piece of history for future generations to enjoy.
The Ashtabula Lighthouse Preservation and Restoration Society Newsletter.
Lighthouse summary
What: Ashtabula Lighthouse
Where: Lake Erie, Ashtabula, Ohio, United States (view on Google Maps)
Erected: 1836
Operated on site until: 1973
Operated from distance the coast guard: 1973 - now
Official website: